New FREE Webinar: Intro To Intuitive Eating

You guys, I cannot even contain my excitement for this FREE webinar that Sarah Berneche (Anti-Diet RHN and certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor) and I have recorded yesterday!

I am not kidding when I say this should be mandatory viewing for absolutely everyone who has ever thought twice about food - I promise you will not be disappointed.

What we talk about here is exactly what we talk about in session with clients (minus, of course, the individualized care and support).

If you are willing to dedicate about an hour of your time anytime after September 3rd, this is an excellent way to spend it.

Simply register your name and email address here and wait for the thing to be delivered to your inbox on Monday, September 3rd, at 12pm EST. (Feel free to share this email or link with your friends and colleagues, too!) 

This is the first of a few upcoming webinars this Fall, and I will keep you posted about all of them, of course. <3