What Type Of Person Makes You Feel Most Comfortable?

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One thing I love about facilitating online groups is that so many interesting thoughts and view points are expressed by participants that lead to new insights for everyone. 

Most recently, the issue of going out for dinner came up, and how that can make those of us struggling with disordered eating or body image issues very uncomfortable.

(You could easily make up a similar scenario for someone trying to stay sober when all their friends are still drinking - navigating going out is *hard* in the beginning!) 

In our group discussion yesterday, we came to see that there tend to be two types of people:

Those who make us feel comfortable around food (or are okay with us not drinking) and those who don't or do so less (or aren't). 

My question for you tonight is:

What type of person does it take to make you feel relaxed?

No matter whether around food or in other anxiety-provoking social situations.

What are their qualities, behaviours and attitudes? 

List at least three features of the person that puts you most at ease. If you don't have such a person in your life at the moment, make one up: What would they need to say or do so you could feel calmer?

Lastly, if you can at all, surround yourself with those helpful actions and attitudes more often. <3

Talk soon,